Body Sculpting
At Kathy Jones Aesthetics

What is Body Sculpting?

Whether you want to reduce the appearance of wrinkles on your face, get a flatter stomach or fight the cellulite on your thighs, non-surgical body sculpting treatments can provide a solution when exercise and diet aren’t showing desired results. It’s safe to say that many people want to reduce the appearance of fat, cellulite, and wrinkles without doing invasive or somewhat painful procedures like liposuction, facelifts, and botox. Body sculpting is a non-invasive treatment option for people who are not ready to go under the knife. Thanks to advancements in technology, non-surgical treatments like body sculpting have come a long way, reducing downtime and providing significant results.

Body Sculpting Treatments

Body sculpting treatments typically destroy fat cells without surgery, reshaping, and contouring areas like the abdomen, waistline, thighs, and bottom, after several sessions. Treatment sessions can take anywhere from 25 minutes to an hour and can range from two to four sessions, depending on the area that is being treated and the type of body sculpting procedure. Usually, it takes about 12-16 weeks for the body to process and dispose of the fat. That is also when the full effect of the treatments show. There are various types of body sculpting treatment options. Specific body sculpting procedures work by freezing fat cells, while others use heat through radiofrequency or ultrasound therapy. Once the fat cells are broken down, the body’s lymphatic system eventually flushes them out within a few months.